No More Bedtime Battles

Often bedtime can be a challenging time of the day and we hear how hard caregivers are trying to carry out bedtime. The key to a bedtime routine is that it is ‘short and sweet’. Allowing for wind down time will help everything come together more smoothly. Wind down time will help a child learn to begin calming and soothing their bodies resulting in them beginning to feel sleepy and tired. This will help when it comes to completing the bedtime routine because once a wind down time is established and a child is used to their bedtime each night, they will know what steps will come next.
It’s important for children to have a say about the planning and structure of their bedtime routine so that they have a sense of control. Here’s the bedtime struggle secret: GIVE CHOICES.
Toddlers want and need some control over their world, so when it comes to bedtime, and they want to keep playing, they will likely object if you say, “Are you ready for bed?” The first step is to never ask – but rather confidently and calmly state, “It’s time for bed.”
Then, instead of fighting that urge for power, which can lead to bedtime power struggles, get collaborative and work together.
Give your toddler the feeling of control by offering small choices for them to make. This makes them feel like they are part of the process, rather than being told what to do. It literally switches their brain from fight mode to collaboration mode.
The caregiver chooses the big stuff:
What time they go to bed and what needs to be completed before bed: brush teeth, jammies etc.
Your toddler chooses the small stuff:
~ Which PJs to wear
~ Which lovey to snuggle
~ Which book to read
Last tip: If they feel overwhelmed with open-ended choices, especially for the younger toddlers, offer a choice between two specific things: “Would you like to wear your truck jammies or your panda jammies?” “Should we read Pony book or Wonder Woman book?”
The most important thing is the bedtime routine is short and sweet, consistent, and simple to follow each night.