Keeping the Balance Over the Holidays

For many, the holidays mean time off. Holiday breaks are necessary for children and adults alike but can be stressful for families as they try to maintain their routine, balance their time, and coordinate schedules.
Check out these tips for managing the scheduling, the stress, and creating balance while the kids are home over the holiday break:
- Find Balance: Maintain a structure that includes a bedtime and a wake-time but leave room for compromise. Studies show that keeping consistent bed and waking times within one to two hours of normal daily routines won’t likely interfere with their regular schedule.
- Make a Plan: Schedules are important and not everyone can be flexible. Try to plan play dates and outings with other parents and/or family members. Planning ahead can make the holiday break run more smoothly and keep stress at a minimum.
- Embrace the Moments: Time off can be an opportunity to experience new things together. For example, create play stations at home where kids can draw, play with blocks, or engage in sensory play. Down time together can provide opportunities to cook together, take walks or learn/try something new.
- Develop Traditions and Rituals: Having traditions and rituals help build a child’s self-worth and sense of belonging. Research shows that deep family connection and support are related to healthy coping skills. Use the holiday break to build meaningful, memorable moments with your kids.
As we navigate the holiday season, try to find healthy ways to manage your own anxiety. The less holiday stress you carry, the more relaxed your children will be. Plan ahead but also remain flexible. Don’t over schedule your calendar or take on extra responsibilities that might keep you from being present with family. Spend quiet time and reflect about what this time of year means to you, then make decisions based on your core values.