Embracing The Little Moments

Small moments with your child might not seem as important as the big events, but science tells us savoring those sweet memories can lead to greater happiness. Those little instances that light up our day are the stuff of relationships. And keep in mind they come in generous bundles. It’s the multiple moments, not just the few-and-far-between milestones, that build ‘closeness and connection that increase attachment and form lasting memories that last a lifetime.
Find embraceable moments in the everyday activities you are already doing with your child such as bathing or feeding them as one way to create memories together. In fact, these everyday moments are great opportunities for bonding, but also for encouraging curiosity, communication, social-emotional, and intellectual skills.
When you feed your baby, it’s not just for nourishment but also time for making him feel safe and secure. Use this time to stroke his head, look into his eyes, talk to him or name things in the room around you.
When you bring your toddler along on errands like grocery shopping, young children can often grow bored quickly while shopping and want your attention. Giving your toddler “jobs” while shopping can be extremely helpful, such as asking them to get something off a shelf and help put items on the checkout counter. “I Spy” is always such a fun game, look for items with pictures, shapes, colors, the list is endless
Whatever the activity is, finding the embraceable moment in your everyday activities can be a powerful parenting tool. Your child needs you the most to thrive, and nothing can replace what your child learns as they explore the world and share their discoveries with you.