Benefits of Gardening with Your Child

Gardening with your child provides the perfect combination of skills and tasks to address your child’s development, allows you to grow your own food and it’s a great way to get kids outside and give them a better sense of where their food comes from. Children learn by doing and some even love to play in the dirt. Working in a garden can help a child experience caring for something over time, while observing the cycle of life.
Here are some of the many benefits of gardening with your child:
Gardening engages all five senses– Gardening is a hands-on experience and anytime we engage our children’s senses, we appeal to the variety of ways in which they learn and grow. Dig in the dirt, smell the flowers, and feel the cold water of the sprinkler.
You learn all about science- Science can be taught throughout the gardening experience. It’s a great time to discuss the color of leaves, why plants need sun, how the plant drinks water and why worms are good for the plants.
It encourages them to eat healthier- You get to eat what you grow! Grow a pizza garden with tomatoes, peppers, and savory herbs.
Gardening can build self-esteem and make you happy- Interacting with nature has been shown to increase self-esteem and mood, reduce anger, and improve well-being. Although tending to a garden takes time and patience, seeing it grow and produce food is well worth the wait!
Gardening can improve your fine and gross motor skills- Children will be moving their bodies using small and large muscles to balance and manage objects. From picking up tiny seeds to carrying tools, soil, and water.
Increases literacy skills- Children will learn the names of different plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Working on your garden with your child is time together! You will bond with them and your experiences in the garden will create memories that will last a lifetime. While your children are learning a love of growing things, you will learn more about how they think, what they like and dislike and how capable they really are.