New and Old Traditions
Traditions are a fun way to teach your children about your own childhood and your family history. You can also include other family members in discussing memories to make those old traditions seem new again.
Good Beginnings That Last A Lifetime
Traditions are a fun way to teach your children about your own childhood and your family history. You can also include other family members in discussing memories to make those old traditions seem new again.
The holiday season is often a time spent with family members and friends, creating special memories together. However, parents have shared with us that when the holidays are over, it can be challenge to keep children connected if you are not in the same city.
The holiday season is such a wonderful and fun time for your children. However, sometimes it may bring up concerns regarding giving and receiving gifts. Parents have asked us, “What if my child becomes accustomed to receiving presents?” or “How can I teach my children to be grateful for gifts, while also teaching them to find joy in giving to others?”. Here are a few simple ways that can help your child understand the meaning of exchanging gifts during the holiday season:
Many parents who work Special Time into each day with his or her child express that they see significant changes in their child’s behavior. Parents often say that their child seems to respond as if they’ve been missing an essential nutrient. In a way, they have…Special Time heals the upsets and disconnections of daily modern life. It probably […]
As your child starts to develop a self-awareness and self-esteem, they are constantly looking at you for approval and reassurance. Through support of their successes and help with their challenges, you are shaping how they feel about themselves. Beyond having reasonable expectations about their development, celebrating their uniqueness, and tuning into your child’s feelings, there are some more specific ways that you can help your child to develop a positive sense of self and “feel great.”
Fears and anxieties are often a typical part of early childhood. As children grow and learn more about their world, they can develop fears about things new or old. Whether your toddler develops a new fear of the bathtub or the vacuum cleaner, or is afraid to go to the pediatrician for a check-up, fears can develop as new things are learned and as imaginations grow.
Minimizing Power Struggles Many parents share that power struggles are a challenging part of the toddler and early years. Young children are working hard on being independent and mastering their world. However, a child’s mission to make decisions and do things on their own can often conflict with parents attempts to gain cooperation. Offering choices […]
Parenting can be one of the most difficult jobs you will ever encounter. An understanding of your beliefs and values as a parent, combined with knowledge about your child’s temperament and stage of development will allow you to access positive parenting strategies. These strategies allow you to respond with empathy and respect, modeling important skills and helping you to diffuse challenging situations. Here are some essential pieces to positive parenting…
Talking, Singing, Reading, Writing, and Playing are the building blocks for helping your child gain a love for language and literacy. Click below to learn more about the strategies that our Parenting Educators are suggesting for you to bring literacy to your family. They are easy to incorporate at home!
Language and literacy are important concepts because together they play an important role in preparing your child for school. Beyond talking, singing, and reading, which are essential to language development, read more for a few interactive strategies to help you engage your child in language.